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The Essential Guide To Facebook Pixel For Beginners

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Facebook Pixel is an essential marketing tool for businesses to make the most of their social media advertising budgets. The Pixel gives you a detailed look at your target customer’s behaviour and allows you to target them with highly personalized ads. 

Every business should be using Facebook’s marketing tools to help grow its brand. By using Facebook Pixel, you can track your ad performance and optimize for the best results. You can then use that information to better target audiences and improve your marketing campaigns in the future.

This blog post provides information about Facebook Pixel, how it works, and how marketers can use it for better targeting.

What is Facebook Pixel and How Does it Work?

Facebook Pixel is a way for marketers to track their digital ads and online marketing campaigns. Marketers use the data gathered from Facebook Pixel to better understand how users interact with their advertisements and adjust them accordingly. It is a piece of code that you can install on your website to track people’s browsing habits. 

The Pixel tracks things like how many times a page has been viewed or clicked, which links were clicked, and what products were added to an e-commerce cart. It tracks conversions and creates custom audiences. It is used to create ads with the most relevant messages for your customers based on their interests.

For example, if you’ve ever noticed an advertisement in your newsfeed but don’t recall clicking it, this was likely due to tracking through Pixel usage. This information helps inform advertisers about what content works best for their audience and allows them to make changes based on results.

How To Install Facebook Pixel

Installing Facebook Pixel is quite simple, though you need to keep in mind that before you install it, you need a website for your business and you must be able to update your website’s code. 

Follow these steps to install Facebook Pixel.

  1. Access your Ads Manager on Facebook
  2. Go to the Events Manager tab, navigate to connect a Data Source and select Web
  3. Select Facebook pixel and then click on Connect.
  4. You can now enter the URL of your website to check for easy set-up options.
  5. Now, click on Continue.
  6. Once your Facebook Pixel is created, you can put the Facebook Pixel code on your website. 
  7. You can now set up events to measure actions by manually installing the code or by the Event Setup tool. 

Why Should You Install Facebook Pixel?

To Increase ROI

Facebook Pixel helps advertisers target their ideal customers by tracking what users do when visiting a page. This allows for hyper-specific targeting of who sees each ad and increases the likelihood of someone clicking through to buy from your site because they are already in the market for what you’re selling. This guarantees increased conversions and helps achieve a better ROI.

For Retargeting

Retargeting is a great way to re-engage your target audience and lets advertisers show ads for their products to people who have visited their website or used their mobile app before (and left). It’s also an effective way to expand your reach and create new audiences for future marketing efforts. Facebook has added the ability to do retargeting through their Pixel, allowing you to serve ads across partner websites and on Facebook itself. 

For Conversion Tracking

You can use Facebook Pixel to track conversions on your website. It allows you to determine the marketing efforts resulting in the most sales and traffic. You can set up conversion tracking in just a few minutes with Facebook’s Audience Insights tool or by uploading the Pixel code onto your site. Once it’s installed, you’ll be able to measure how many people viewed your page but didn’t convert into customers- something that might help you improve your product offerings or back-end customer service processes.

To Create Lookalike Audiences

Facebook’s Pixel is a powerful tool that can help you reach your desired audience with laser-sharp precision. With the data collected through Facebook ads, you can create a lookalike audience from existing website visitors or app users for an even bigger potential reach.

Marketers know the importance of having a constant stream of new leads coming into their sales funnel to nurture them until they become customers. One way to do this is by creating a custom audience based on people who visit your website or mobile app but did not take any actions, such as purchasing products or signing up for emails.

If this post piqued your interest in how marketers can take advantage of Facebook Pixel technology, please contact us!  Based in Vancouver, digital marketing agency WG Communications specializes in helping small businesses understand digital marketing strategies that work best for them to stay competitive.